Dec 1, 2014

Telephone Problems?

     We can't get through by telephone to any Social Security field office this morning. We haven't tried all the North Carolina field offices but we've tried quite a number. How widespread is the problem?

Supposedly The First Public Burning Of A Social Security Card

Year not given. It looks old enough that some of the participants may now be drawing Social Security benefits.

Nov 27, 2014

Bill To End Benefits For Suspected Nazi War Criminals To Advance

     From The Hill:
The House will vote next week on a bill that would eliminate government benefits for suspected Nazi war criminals. 
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's (R-Calif.) office released a schedule Wednesday outlining next week's floor agenda that showed the bill, H.R. 5739, will be considered under a fast-track procedure, indicating that it will pass easily.
     There are no unrelated items in the bill, making it almost completely symbolic.  Far more money will be spent passing and implementing this than could possibly be saved.

Nov 26, 2014

Field Offices To Be Closed To Public On Friday

     I just got a tweet from Social Security saying that their field offices will be closed to the public Friday. I don’t know why they waited so late on announcing this. Social Security staff who aren’t taking the day off are supposed to be at work Friday.

Declining Disability Claims

From a recent report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General