Sep 25, 2011

Social Security Employees Like Their Jobs

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) does an annual survey of federal employees. Social Security scored well on this year's survey, coming in at number 4 in leadership and knowledge management and number 4 in employee job satisfaction.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's really really really bad elsewhere? Otherwise, I don't believe it.

Anonymous said...

You know, I know they do these surveys. However, I've never received one, and I don't know any other employees that ever said they received one as well.

I figure they send them to the headquarters morons, who obviously LOVE their jobs....

Anonymous said...

my job is ok but the volume and lack of staffing is getting ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Despite all of the political upheaval and staffing issues, many SSA employees like their jobs because they know that people who ask for their help really need it!

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Anonymous said...

Any survey that puts SSA high on "leadership" is obviously bogus.

Anonymous said...

I am a Social Security employee, I am not located at headquarters, I did take the survey, and I do love my job. With the non dress code, flex schedule, good pay, and great benefits, I have nothing to complain about. The high work loads are what they are. Work is work whether is yours or someone elses. In my experience here, those that work the hardest are being rewarded.

Anonymous said...

agree with last guy/girl...

Anonymous said...

I also work at SSA and don't understand the complaints of "high work load." That is NEVER going away, no matter how many people SSA employees.

This is WORK...just because you don't have free time, doesn't mean it's a "bad" job.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 10:04, 10:27, and 10:32, if most employees had that mind set instead of complaining about management, leadership, and work in general, the back logs would be sure to decrease.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:19...I still think management generally has its collective head in the sand. So I will continue to complain about them.

But the general griping about "workload" is just silly. You don't hear ditchdiggers complain that there job is never finished. They just keep digging. I think that mindset needs to be adopted by most SSA employees. There will ALWAYS be applicants for disability, budgets will continue to be tight. Therefore, do your job as best you can and process cases/applications as they are assigned to you.

Anonymous said...

I too work for SSA and I could not be happier. Excellent benefits, pay and flexible schedules makes it an ideal environment even with a mountain of never-ending "work" (i.e. serving the needs of the public).

Anonymous said...

I like working; I like being busy all day, which I certainly am at SSA. The problem is, there is so much work in the field that most employees could work all day and all night and not get caught up. We aren't serving the public when things that should get done in a few days or weeks take months, simply because there is so much work. All day long I take phone calls from people who are upset because their issue hasn't been resolved, because there isn't enough time in the day to do everything that everyone needs. And it doesn't help at all when management has everyone basically stop processing claims for the last month of the fiscal year in order to meet the redetermination goal. I mean, most people like ice cream, right? But make them eat a gallon a day, and things change.

Anonymous said...

Lazy management probably completed all the surveys. SSA managemenet needs to get back to reality and get help!

Anonymous said...

Stop complaining people - So many people would love tobe in your place and have a job. I worked at SSA and left to take on another federal job, and I must say that regardless of all the work I had, I miss the work I did, and can't wait for the budget issues to resolve themselves to hopefully get back. Not all offices are bad - Just be happy you have a place to call "job".

Anonymous said...

Let's step back and look at reality--some people who say they love their "job" actually love their pay and benefits, and tolerate their job. I actually love my job in the FO. I work with great people, and we all work together to try to accomplish the impossible. Claimants are routinely screwed by the system and lack of staffing, but we keep at it against impossible odds. We are often unhappy at the "workload"--which means people who need help that are not getting it. The polls are for PR and ignore reality, as do many of those who have posted here about how happy they are. Cops and firefighters often love their jobs, but are not happy about what they have to do. but they keep doing it...

Anonymous said...

Umm, Anon 11:00 PM, I do in fact love my job, my pay, and my benefits. Work is work, I work in DPB where the backlogs are the highest, and yet I still love my job and the work I do. I could not be happier about where I am or what I am currently doing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah 11:00 PM, I also love my job. I work for ODAR and as with other components, we too have large backlogs. Don't assume it impossible to actually enjoy the work one does.

Anonymous said...

11:00 p.m. here--Gee, so after reading the comments to my post, in which i said "I love my Job", I am suprised to find that, among other problems at SSA, there is a reading comprehension problem. Who knew? can't be helping the backlogs, I suppose.