Deputy Commissioner for Operations
- Doris Diaz will remain Acting Deputy Commissioner
- Delma Cardona is Assistant Deputy
Commissioner (ADC), DCO.
- Sean Balser is
Acting ADC, DCO.
Anatoly Shnaider is Regional Commissioner (RC), Northeast
- Darrell Sheffield is Acting RC, Southeast Region.
- Linda Kerr-Davis is
RC, Mid-West/West Region.
- Travis Dodson is RC, Southwest Region.
In addition, I am realigning all Processing Centers to
report to the Office of Central Operations and all Teleservice Centers to
report to the newly formed Office of Telephone Services (OTS). Chris Chapple is
AC, OTS and Tiffany Countess is Acting DAC, OTS.
I am also merging the Office
of Public Service and Operations Support and the Office of Electronic Services
and Technology to form the Office of Analysis, Integration, and Performance
Oversight (OAIPO). Jeremiah Schofield is AC, OAIPO. Sam Richardson and Karen
Girardeau are DACs.
Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudication I am
establishing the Office of Disability Adjudication (ODA), which will be
comprised of the Offices of Hearings Operations (OHO), Appellate Operations,
Disability Determinations (ODD), and Quality Review. Jay Ortis, will serve as
the Acting Deputy Commissioner (DC), ODA, concurrently while serving as Acting
Chief Administrative Law Judge. Jim Parikh is ADC, ODA.
Chad Poist will be ADC, ODA. Hank McKnelly will be AC for
the Office of Hearing Operations (OHO). While Chad continues to serve as Acting
Deputy Chief of Staff, Hank McKnelly will serve as Acting ADC, ODA. Monique
Cephas will be DAC, OHO. Leroy Weeks is the Assistant Associate Commissioner
(AAC) for the newly formed Office of Management. James Van Der Schalie will be
Deputy Commissioner for Mission Support
I am combining our administrative support functions in
the Office of Budget, Finance, and Management and the Office of Human Resources
to form the Office of Mission Support (OMS). Sean Brune will serve as the
Acting DC, OMS. His permanent position will be ADC, OMS, overseeing the Offices
of Financial Policy and Program Integrity (OFPPI), Budget (OB), and Acquisition
and Grants. Florence Felix-Lawson will serve as the Chief Human Capital Officer,
Chief Administrative Officer, and ADC, OM. Florence will oversee the Offices of
Human Resources, and the newly formed Office of Facilities and Security
Management (OFSM), which merges the Offices of Facilities and Logistics
Management, and Security and Emergency Preparedness. Jennifer Stevenson is AC,
Office of Human Resources. Jenni Greenlee is AAC, Lauren Palguta and Mary Ann
Jett are Deputy, AACs (DAAC).
Dan Callahan is AC, OFSM. Marc Mason is AAC, OFSM, Tim
Beavers and Dawn McCrobie are DAACs. Christian Hellie is AC, OFPPI.
Also in OMS, I am reassigning all agency budget functions
and employees to OB. Due to their unique nature, the ODD budget staff will
remain with ODD.
I am also reassigning all agency facilities and security
functions and employees to OFSM.
Deputy Commissioner for External Affairs: To improve our
responsiveness to Congress, our stakeholders, and the public, I am merging the
Office of Communications (OCOMM) and the Office of Legislation and
Congressional Affairs (OLCA) to form the Office of External Affairs (OEA).
Jeffrey Buckner will serve is Acting DC, OEA. His permanent position will be
ADC, OEA/OCOMM. Dustin Brown will serve as Acting ADC, OEA/OLCA. Dawn Bystry
will be AC, OCOMM. Erik Hansen is AC, OLCA. Kala Shah, currently the Executive
Secretary, will be a Senior Advisor, OEA.
Stephen McGraw will be Acting Executive Secretary in the
Office of the Commissioner.
Deputy Commissioner for Legal and Policy: To increase our
effectiveness in implementing the Administration’s priorities, I am merging the
Office of the General Counsel, the Office of Retirement and Disability Policy
(ORDP), and the Office of Labor Management and Employee Relations (OLMER), to
form the Office of Legal and Policy (OLP). Mark Steffensen, currently a Senior
Advisor in OC, is Acting DC, OLP and Acting General Counsel. Stephen
Evangelista will be the ADC, OLP overseeing Policy. We will soon name an ADC
overseeing Legal and OLMER.
Susan Wilschke is AC, ODP. Bob Weathers is DAC, ODP.
Jessica Burns MacBride will remain AC in the Office of Income Security Programs
(OISP) and Anya Olsen is Acting DAC, OISP.
Eddie Taylor is AC, OLMER.
The Office of Research, Evaluation, and Statistics; the
Office of Data Exchange, Policy Publications, and International Negotiations;
and parts of the Office of Research, Demonstration, and Employment Support will
be realigned to the Office of the Chief Information Officer.
Chief Information Officer
Joseph Cunningham, who has been serving as the Acting
Deputy, AC for the Office of Information Security (OIS) since December 2024, is
the Acting AC, OIS and Acting Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
Consistent with other organizational changes that I have
made to align like mission functions, I am reassigning all agency employees in
the IT Specialist (2210) occupational series to OCIO.
Please join me in congratulating our colleagues on their
new assignments. I will continue to update you as we move further along with
our streamlining efforts, but please know that we will continue to review the
agency structure and explore additional consolidations and elimination of
redundant functions. I am counting on each of you for your support and
continued collaboration during this transition.
Edited to make this memo a bit less unreadable than the original.