Showing posts with label Personnel Changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personnel Changes. Show all posts

Feb 1, 2025

Borges Named Chief Data Officer

     From ExecutiveGov:

Chuck Borges, a retired U.S. Navy Commander, shared on LinkedIn Tuesday that he has been appointed as chief data officer at the Social Security Administration.

The executive was most recently with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he served as business owner of the 1CDC Data Platform, senior advisor for business analytics and acting head of the technology implementation office.

Borges was a White House presidential innovation fellow, where he oversaw the development of a strategic direction and updated implementation plan for the public health data modernization efforts of the CDC. He also worked with the White House data team. Borges currently serves as a board member at the Presidential Innovation Fellows Foundation. ...

Jul 26, 2024

Acting Inspector General

    An otherwise negligible report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General reveals a minor detail that may interest some of my readers. The new Acting Inspector General is Michelle L. Anderson, the Assistant Inspector General for Audit. Judging by her Linked In account, she's a long time federal employee.

Aug 23, 2022

Executive Personnel Assignments


Click on image to view full size

Gruber Out At OHO

     I can confirm that Theresa Gruber is out as head of Social Security's Office of Hearings Operations (OHO).

Jan 21, 2021

What Just Happened?

      Below is the memo that came out yesterday about personnel changes at Social Security. Click on it to view it at full size.


     Andrew Saul, whose term as Social Security Commissioner has been marked by strident anti-union activity, bringing in a union official as his Chief of Staff? Mark Warshawsky ,who has apparently been a consistent advocate for right wing policies, replaced by a fellow at the left leaning Urban Institute?

     But that's not all. Yesterday afternoon, the White House released a list of acting heads of federal agencies and Andrew Saul was listed as the acting head of the Social Security Administration. I thought that Saul believed himself to be the confirmed Commissioner of Social Security, legally entitled to serve out his term of office which runs until January 2025. Unless Saul resigned and was then appointed Acting Commissioner, something which hasn't been announced, the White House announcement can't be technically accurate, although it may reflect the essential nature of the situation. By the way, the memo shown above indicates that it was signed by the Commissioner rather than the Acting Commissioner.

     I'm sure that many readers of this blog have tuned out what I've written about the Supreme Court opinion in Seila Law v. CFPB but it's key to understanding what's going on. In that case, the Supreme Court held that the position of the head of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau was unconstitutional because the incumbent served a fixed term of years and could only be fired by the President for cause. That sounds exactly like the Commissioner of Social Security. The position of Commissioner of Social Security wasn't before the Court. The attorney for Seila Law argued that there was a distinction between the head of the CFPB and the Commissioner of Social Security but it seems doubtful that the Court will buy that argument once a case squarely presents the issue. 

     I think we may surmise that there was a negotiation between Andrew Saul and President Biden's transition team and yesterday's announcements were the result. I don't understand why Saul wants to hang around to do the bidding of an Administration whose policies he must disagree with but he does.

     So where does that leave the Seila Law litigation that the Social Security Administration is facing? What's Social Security's position? Seila Law totally doesn't apply to cases in the pipeline because Social Security is so much different than CFPB but it can't apply to any future cases because the White House now considers Andrew Saul the Acting Commissioner of Social Security even though Saul himself hasn't announced that he regards himself as serving at the pleasure of the President? That seems like an incoherent position.

     By the way, I've heard an anecdotal report from one attorney that Social Security has recently asked for voluntary remands in all the cases he had in federal court where he was arguing Seila Law. Has anyone else seen this?

Jun 8, 2017

Mathur To Take Over As CIO

     From FCW Insider: 
The Social Security Administration has tapped an IRS veteran to take over as CIO [Chief Information Officer]. Rajive Mathur is taking over as the agency's deputy commissioner for systems and CIO in June, according to an agency spokesperson.  
Mathur comes from IRS, where he served as director of online services and was a leader in such public-facing tax products like Get Transcript, Direct Pay and Where's My Refund.

May 14, 2017

New Acting Associate Commissioner For External Affairs

     From a recent announcement:
We are very pleased to announce that Social Security has a new Acting Associate Commissioner for External Affairs.
Robert (Bob) Patterson comes to Social Security with a wealth of experience in communications and public engagement.
He has served as Speechwriter and Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families with the Department of Health and Human Services, and Senior Speechwriter with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Most recently, Bob served as Vice President for Government Relations at the U.S. Business and Industry Council. His background also includes a wide range of experience in the private sector and academia as a policy expert, professor and op-ed contributor.

Jul 22, 2015

Some Personnel Actions

     Click on each page to view full size.

Jul 21, 2015

Sklar And Borland Leaving

     I have received multiple reports that Glen Sklar, the Deputy Commissioner for Social Security's Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), and James Borland, the Assistant Deputy Commissioner for ODAR, are leaving their positions.

Oct 12, 2011

Susan Brown To Move To New Job In Seattle

I understand that Susan Brown, who has been in charge of Social Security's project to give attorneys and others who represent Social Security claimants online access to their clients' files,  will soon be moving to a different job. She will be the Regional Management Officer in the Seattle Region.

Jul 19, 2011

More On IT Shakeup At Social Security

From Information Week Government:
After a shakeup in the Social Security Administration's IT organization, the agency's CIO [Chief Information Officer], Frank Baitman, has abruptly resigned. His departure follows a decision by commissioner Michael Astrue to shift most of the agency CIO's responsibilities to deputy commissioner for systems, Kelly Croft....
Baitman's departure brings to a close a nine-year experiment with the agency's CIO's office that, according to some observers and former officials, never resolved the fractured line of authority between IT spending and operations that separated the CIO and the office of systems.
According to Feig, who left the agency in June, one of the primary reasons for the break-up of Social Security's IT [Information Technology] department was Astrue's perception that Baitman failed to advance the agency's strategic plan. In an interview with InformationWeek, Feig said there was a split on IT vision at the agency, with Baitman's office pushing an aggressive agenda to transform its IT systems while saving money over the long-term, and Croft sticking with the agency's old but proven mainframe systems, most of which still run the decades-old Cobol programming language.
Feig's downfall came after the Office of Management and Budget sought input on the strategic direction of Social Security's IT systems, and Feig, who joined the agency last year from the private sector, responded with a version of the strategy he was brought in to develop. Feig's strategy is described in a document titled, "SSA-2020: Vision and Strategy." However, the commissioner didn't endorse the vision's sweeping nature, and Feig said he was asked to leave for engaging the White House without authority to do so. ...
And Social Security's inspector general is working on an audit of the agency's software environment. The audit will address the agency's plans to evolve away from Cobol, its continued use of Cobol in an era of Web-based apps, its ability to hire and retain staff trained in Cobol, and the work involved in re-engineering the agency's Cobol code in modern programming languages. 

Jul 16, 2011

Shakeup Continues At Social Security


Date:    July 15, 2011   

Refer To:  S7K

To:    Senior Staff

From:    Michael J. Astrue  /s/

Subject:    Executive Personnel Assignments - INFORMATION

I have several announcements to share.

San Francisco Regional Commissioner, Pete Spencer, will retire September 2, 2011.    Pete’s career started as a Management Intern in 1968 and from there he built an extensive resume within the agency that spans programmatic, administrative, and operational organizations.  He served as Senior Advisor and Executive Officer with the Bureau of Supplemental Security Income when it was in its infancy in the early 1970’s through 1979.  In the 1980’s, he served as Director of Labor and Employee Relations and Director of Human Resources.   In the 1990’s, he was Executive Staff Director for the SSI Modernization effort before moving to Operations as Acting Associate Commissioner for Public Service and Operations Support.  He later served as Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs, Assistant Regional Commissioner for Management and Operations Support in San Francisco, and Acting Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance and Management.   Pete also spent a year on assignment as Senior Policy Officer with the National Performance Review.

Pete exemplifies the finest qualities of a public servant, always focused on delivering service to the public with the highest standard of integrity.    

Following Pete’s retirement, Bill Zielinski, currently the Associate Director for Retirement and Benefits with the Office of Personnel Management, will return to be Regional Commissioner. 
Please join me in wishing Pete the very best in retirement and in welcoming Bill back to the agency. 

Chief Information Officer (CIO) Frank Baitman has announced his resignation effective  August 19, 2011.  With Frank’s departure, Kelly Croft, Deputy Commissioner for Systems, will assume the CIO responsibilities. Personnel from the immediate OCIO and the Office of Information Security will move to the Office of Systems. 

Mary Chatel, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner for Retirement and Disability Policy, will retire July 31, 2011. 

In the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, Jim Julian is Acting Associate Commissioner for Executive Operations and Human Resources (OEOHR).  Kelly Salzmann, is Acting Deputy Associate Commissioner, OEOHR.

Jun 28, 2011

Media Picks Up On Social Security Reorganization And Personnel Changes

Federal Computer Week, Federal News Radio and Executive Government have picked up on the Social Security reorganization and personnel changes reported here yesterday.

Mar 17, 2011

New Regional Commissioner In Atlanta

From the Anderson, SC Independent Mail:
Michael W. Grochowski has been selected as the regional commissioner for the Atlanta Region of the Social Security Administration. Grochowski began his federal career in 1974 with the Veterans Administration after serving in the armed forces, including a tour in Vietnam. He has held executive positions with the Health Care Finance Administration and the Social Security Administration and was appointed to the Federal Senior Executive Service in 1988.
It appears that Grochowski has been regional commissioner in Social Security's Kansas City region. The Atlanta region is, by far, the largest of Social Security's regions. Regional commissioner in Atlanta is one of the Social Security Administration's most important career positions.

Dec 16, 2010

Personnel Changes


Date: December 15, 2010 Refer
Refer To: S7K

To: Senior Staff

From: Michael J. Astrue /s/

Subject: Executive Personnel Assignments - INFORMATION

I have several announcements to share.

In the Office of Budget, Finance and Management, Mike Kramer, Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP) Class V, will become the Acting Deputy Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (Environmental, Security & Emergency Response) effective January 3.

In the Office of Operations, Linda Dorn, SES CDP Class IV, will become the Associate Commissioner for Disability Determinations. Ruby Burrell, currently serving in that role, will become the Associate Commissioner for Field Site Operations in the Office of Quality Performance effective December 19.

In Operations and Systems, I have established a second Assistant Deputy Commissioner position. Effective January 3, Terrie Gruber will move from Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudication and Review to the Office of Operations as Assistant Deputy Commissioner, and Debbi Russell will move from Associate Commissioner for Automation Support to the Office of Systems as Assistant Deputy Commissioner.

Jo Armstrong will move from Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services to the Associate Commissioner for Automation Support. Sylviane Haldiman will move from Deputy Associate Commissioner for Automation Support to Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services. Laura Train, SES CDP Class IV, will become Deputy Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services.

In the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, Jim Borland, currently Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services and Strategic Information will become Assistant Deputy Commissioner. Natalie Lu, SES CDP Class IV, will become the Acting Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services and Strategic Information.

Chief Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Frank Cristaudo has accepted a position as Associate Chief ALJ for Administrative Management.

Please join me in wishing everyone success in their new assignments.

Jul 14, 2010

Personnel Changes In Chief ALJ Office

The latest issue of the Social Security Forum, the newsletter of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) has a brief article about some changes at the Office of Chief Administrative Law Judge (CALJ) at Social Security. There are now thee new Associate Chielf ALJ positions:
  • ALJ Paul Lillios will be the new Associate Commissioner [did they mean Associate Chief ALJ?] for Field Procedures and Employee Relations. He is currently the Regional Chief ALJ for the Chicago Region.
  • ALJ John Costello will be the Acting Associate Chief ALJ for Administrative Management and will be responsible for the evaluation of service delivery and processing of cases. He has been the Hearing Office Chief ALJ in Rochester, NY, and has been involved in the training of new ALJs.
  • The new Associate Chief ALJ for the National Hearing Center position is vacant for the time being.

Jan 5, 2010

Personnel Changes


Date: January 5, 2010

Refer To: S7K
To: Senior Staff

From: Michael J. Astrue /s/


Subject: Executive Personnel Assignments - INFORMATION

In addition to those assignment changes announced in October 2009, I am making additional executive assignment changes affecting the Offices of Disability Adjudication and Review and Quality Performance.

David Foster will move from Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudication and Review to Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Quality Performance.

Glenn Sklar will move from Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Quality Performance to Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudication and Review.

Judy Kautsch will return to be the Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services and Strategic Information.

Theresa Gruber, currently in the SES Candidate Development Program, will serve as the Acting Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudication and Review.

Judge William King has been named Acting Regional Chief Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in San Francisco.

Judge JoAnn Anderson, most recently Acting Regional Chief ALJ in San Francisco, is on a detail assignment as Acting Associate Chief Judge overseeing special initiatives in the immediate Office of the Chief Judge.

Judge Robert Wright, Hearing Office Chief Judge in Albany, NY, is the Acting Associate Chief Judge for the National Hearing Center.

David Foster Leaves ODAR

An e-mail message:
From: Foster, David V.
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:45 PM
To: Kautsch, Judy; Jonas, Patricia; Ray, Gerald; Cristaudo, Frank; Griswold, Nancy J.; Rime, Carla; Ramirez, Adolph; McDaniel, Eileen; McKinnon, Beth; Stewart, Patrice; Bentley, James; Reich, Elizabeth; Sanchez, Raymond; Murdock, John; Meisels, Ray; Wright, Robert; Markowski, Lisa; Watts, Robbie; Schneider, Sybil; Garcia, Ernesto; Smith, Regina B.; Delisle, Michelle; #ODAR All Managers; Taylor, Paula; #ODAR All RCALJs
Cc: Wells, Reginald

Subject: Announcement

Effective immediately, I am no longer Deputy Commissioner for ODAR. I have greatly enjoyed working with all of you and expect that you will do great things on behalf of ODAR and for the American people. Good luck. David
I do not know what happened. This e-mail sounds awfully abrupt.

Oct 21, 2009

Many Personnel Changes

Executive Personnel Announcements

DATE: October 20, 2009

TO: Senior Staff

FROM: Michael J. Astrue /s/

SUBJECT: Executive Personnel Assignments - INFORMATION

Two of the pillars of our agency, Bill Gray and Linda McMahon, will be retiring in the coming months. I am going to reserve my comments about their many accomplishments for later discussion.

Linda McMahon will retire November 30. Mary Glenn-Croft will move from the Office of Budget, Finance and Management to be Deputy Commissioner for Operations following Linda’s retirement.

Mike Gallagher will return to the Office of Budget, Finance and Management from his current role as Acting Deputy Chief of Staff, to be the Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance and Management.

Stephanie Hall will be the permanent Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance and Management.

Bill Gray, Deputy Commissioner for Systems, will retire at the end of the year.

Kelly Croft, currently Deputy Commissioner for Quality Performance, will return to Systems as Deputy Commissioner following Bill’s retirement.

Ron Raborg, currently the Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), will become the Deputy Commissioner for Quality Performance.

Judy Kautsch, currently the Acting Associate Commissioner for Electronic Services and Management Information in ODAR, will serve as Acting Assistant Deputy Commissioner.

I am also announcing the establishment of the Office of the Chief Economist in my immediate Office. Jason Fichtner will be the agency’s first Chief Economist. In this role, he will be the agency’s chief economic advisor with a coordinative role across all components in the planning and delivery of agency products that involve economic analysis and strategy at the agency level, serving as the agency’s economic liaison with the Social Security Advisory Board, the Social Security Trustees, and other technical panels, geospatial initiatives, and as an internal consultant across components on economic-related issues. Jason will also continue his involvement in the agency’s financial literacy efforts.

Linda Maxfield will serve as the Senior Advisor to the Chief Economist.

Please join me in wishing everyone success in their new assignments

Sep 10, 2009


From Information Week:
The Social Security Administration [SSA] has hired Frank Baitman [pictured to the left -- a photo taken at the Obama inauguration and posted on Baitman's blog], a former business strategist with IBM (NYSE: IBM), as its new CIO [Chief Information Officer], filling a role that had been vacant since January.

Baitman, who joined the agency at the end of August, has years of business and IT experience, but none as a CIO. At the Social Security Administration, he's running an organization with a $1.3 billion IT budget

"Frank has extensive global and domestic experience in both large enterprises and small companies balancing strategic problem-solving with tactical execution," Social Security Administration commissioner Michael Astrue said in an announcement to staff. "His experience has also lent itself to developing customized insights focused on technological and industry trends, healthcare informatics, emerging markets, and social services."...

Baitman is expected to emphasize transparency and innovation in his new role, according to one source at the agency. On his Caffeinated Ideas blog, Baitman has advocated simplifying government procurement and written about the importance of public service.