Social Security Addressing Aged Records
Actions Support President’s PrioritiesThe Social Security Administration (SSA) today shared its significant progress in identifying and correcting beneficiary records of people 100 years old or older. The data reported in the media represent people who do not have a date of death associated with their record. While these people may not be receiving benefits, it is important for the agency to maintain accurate and complete records.
“I thank President Trump for highlighting these inconsistencies during his speech last night to a joint session of Congress,” said Lee Dudek, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “We are steadfast in our commitment to root out fraud, waste, and abuse in our programs, and actively correcting the inconsistencies with missing dates of death.”
The agency follows long established program integrity initiatives that identify people who have a higher likelihood of being deceased due to their age or incomplete death reports. For example, SSA receives data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of individuals who have not used Medicare Part A or Part B for three or more years. SSA uses the data as an indicator to select and prioritize cases of individuals age 90 or older, who are currently in pay status and living in the United States, to determine continued eligibility for Social Security benefits. The agency attempts to conduct an interview with these individuals to verify they are still alive. If the agency identifies someone is deceased, it immediately stops payment and reports any suspicions of fraud to SSA’s Office of the Inspector General.
Thank you ACOSS Dudek for putting this out. I do wish you could have added that this is not fraud or that fraud isn’t occurring because the public still won’t get it. But thanks for taking this step.
Very efficient of them. /snark Reason they didb’t put the dod on these records before because it was determined to be too costly to obtain proof of death conclusively for these older records. It was also a nonissue. They are not getting benefits.
@2:48 He endorsed Trump's lies about SSA from the speech last night. What is there to thank?
Lee - Just when I think you have sunk to your lowest point, you send out another message to prove me wrong. Please be sure to note how much fraud, waste and abuse you have uncovered while "correcting" these records. It should be a fascinating number since you took the time to issue a memo, while your employees are leaving/being let go in droves. I love the "while these people may not be receiving benefits" line though - you must have gotten an A in creative writing as a child! In my quick analysis (maybe more than you've done), they either are (1) alive and receiving benefits (no fraud), (2) dead and not getting benefits (no fraud), (3) aged records with appropriate survivors (no fraud), or (4) dead and getting money (fraud). I want numbers for that final category! Otherwise, this is all horse pucky (anyone wanna make any bets?). Come on, Lee. Show us your receipts!
Is this equivalent to thanking the arsonist for putting out the fires?
For real. It's quite clear that Gauleiter Dudek is fully on board with the Trump/DOGE agenda and is of the view that most of the workers at SSA are lazy, incompetent or both. He is not your friend. Stop thanking the guy who is helping to actively make your life harder and undermining the work you do for your fellow citizens.
He won't. He's all in for destroying the agency.
Trump: We’re also identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program for our seniors, and that our seniors and people that we love rely on.
ACOSS: I thank President Trump for highlighting... my incompetence.
If the reason that there was no date of death was because we didn’t have a death certificate for the number holder, then how did adding a presumably bogus date make the record accurate? I guess we now have to waste taxpayer money on giving the overpaid DOGE peeps participation trophies for half baked work.
Bravo to ACOSS Dudek <3 So much better than O'Maley who allowed this monstrosity to happen. Isn't it amazing what a little change in administrations can do?
Fighting fraud, waste and abuse?
On Tuesday of last week, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth was on hand at Guantánamo when a military C-130 carrying NINE immigrants landed at the base. The Defense Department calculates the cost per flight hour to operate a C-130 at $20,756, so for a trip of five to six hours, it cost the Pentagon $207,000 to $249,000 round trip, or $23,000 to $27,000 per detainee.
O'Maley had nothing to do with it. It would have been like Nixon, Carter. Reagan......
Dudes is a TOOL.
Don’t be a fool, this issue was noted in a 2015 OIG report. For example, Saul, under Trump, did not fix it because SSA lacked man power. If this is fixed now, which is a non-issue, it is at the expense of something that actually could help the public.
Is that you MAGA DUDEK?
Numidents were computerized in 1972. So people that died prior didn't ever have their date of death entered. Ditto people since then that got an SSN for banking purposes or perhaps work that soon after left the US and have since died abroad. No reason for a death I put to be made to the numident.
Can’t wait to chase down death certificates from former USSR countries for people that aren’t collecting benefits.
What a great use of limited agency resources! Really bringing that efficiency, Lee!
A known "problem" since 2015 that probably should have been addressed but wasn't mainly due to the cost involved and the fact that it was not costing the SSA any money.
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