Showing posts with label E-signatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E-signatures. Show all posts

Jul 15, 2024

Extension Of eSignature

     From what must be a press release:

... SSA recently released the eSignature/Upload Documents initiative nationwide. This end-to-end secure service allows customers to electronically submit some frequently used forms, such as appeal requests (SSA-501 and SSA-561) and waiver of overpayment recovery (SSA-632). Customers can also submit evidence, including the VA Disability Rating Verification, medical and school records, bank statements, tax forms and many more.

Social Security employees initiate the request by sending an email to customers with the required form. In turn, customers review the request, electronically complete, then sign the form (if a signature is required) and submit directly to SSA. ...

    I guess they must be going nationwide for what had earlier just been an experiment in the Boston region. Why does this have to be initiated by a Social Security employee?

Aug 22, 2023

Signature No Longer Required On One Form

     From Emergency Message EM-23054:

This emergency message (EM) notifies technicians that we no longer require a signature on any version of the SSA-455 [a Continuing Disability Review form sent to claimants]...

SSA recently received OMB [Office of Management and Budget, whose pro forma OK is required before changing forms] approval to discontinue the requirement for a signature on the CDR Mailer form SSA-455 and SSA-455-OCR-SM. The latest inForm Library version of the SSA-455 has been updated to remove the signature box. ...

     If we can dispense with the signature requirement on this form, can't we dispense with some other signature requirements or at least verification of electronic signatures? There's a lot of field office time wasted on this.

May 18, 2022

NCSSMA Says Field Office Employees Need To Be In The Office -- And What's This About SSA Being Unable To Accept E-Signatures?

     From the written testimony of Peggy Murphy for the National Council of Social Security Management Associations (NCSSMA) to the House Social Security Subcommittee:

... Field offices can be more responsive to the public only when employees are onsite. The current telework program in field offices makes it difficult to adjust to surges in office visitors or telephone calls while balancing appointments, scheduled and unscheduled employee leave, and back-end work. This is further complicated by having an appreciable number of field office employees continuing to work from home full-time due to personal circumstances. SSA has the technology and flexibility to consider transferring field office employees, who are unable to work in the office, to other components that can better accommodate their telework needs and limit the impact on front-line public service. We need employees in field offices who are able to work onsite and assist those who seek our help in person and to handle the multitude of workloads that are not portable. As an agency we need to be able to maintain our flexibility in the field offices so we can respond to surges from the public.

    By the way, Murphy's written testimony says that Social Security ought to accept electronic signatures. Per a White House order, they must! Social Security is mentioned by name in that order. Grace Kim, Social Security's  Deputy Commissioner for Operations, also testified that the agency couldn't yet accept electronic signatures. I don't understand this.

Dec 14, 2021

Social Security Directed To Stop Requiring So Many Wet Signatures

      From an Executive Order signed by President Biden on December 13:

... (k)  The Commissioner of Social Security shall:
            (i) within 120 days of the date of this order, provide a report to the Director of OMB [Office of Management and Budget] that analyzes all services of the Social Security Administration that currently require original or physical documentation or in-person appearance as an element of identity or evidence authentication, and that identifies potential opportunities for policy reforms that can support modernized customer experiences while ensuring original or physical documentation requirements remain where there is a statutory or strong policy rationale;
            (ii) develop a mobile-accessible, online process so that any individual applying for or receiving services from the Social Security Administration can upload forms, documentation, evidence, or correspondence associated with their transaction without the need for service-specific tools or traveling to a field office;
            (iii) consistent with applicable law and to the extent practicable, maintain a public policy of technology neutrality with respect to acceptable forms of electronic signatures;
           (iv) consistent with applicable law and to the extent practicable, revise any necessary regulations, forms, instructions, or other sources of guidance (to include the Program Operations Manual System of the Social Security Administration) to remove requirements that members of the public provide physical signatures; and
            (v) to the maximum extent permitted by law, support applicants and beneficiaries to identify other benefits for which they may be eligible and integrate Social Security Administration data and processes with those of other Federal and State entities whenever possible. ...
     Should anything at Social Security really require a wet signature? I'd say "no."

Mar 12, 2021

EM On E-Signatures

     From Emergency Message  EM 20022 REV 2 issued yesterday:

... While this EM is in effect, use the instructions below if any of the forms are submitted without a signature the agency would otherwise recognize as valid, so long as such forms are accompanied by an electronically signed SSA-1696:

    · SSA-1693 Fee Agreement for Representation before SSA (or other written fee agreement)
    · SSA-16 Application for Disability Insurance Benefits
    · SSA-8001 Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Deferred or Abbreviated)
    · SSA-8000 Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    · SSA-L2 Comprehensive Notice and Application Summary for Third Party Filed iClaim
    · SSA-820 Work Activity Report – Self-Employment
    · SSA-821 Work Activity Report - Employee
    · SSA-827 Authorization To Disclose Information To The Social Security Administration
    · SSA-455 Disability Update Report
If a representative submits any of the above forms along with an electronically signed SSA-1696, technicians should, in one single telephone contact with the claimant, ensure that he or she take all steps for each form submitted. ...