Lee's latest screed/manifesto is both weirdly needy and defensive. His statements about how President Biden asking COSS Saul to resign are real head scratchers, in particular. He seems to be saying that because Saul was asked to leave, SSA lost some fundamental "independence" and that as a result, we're stuck doing anything President Trump says.
I'd point out that ACOSS Colvin was NEVER confirmed by the Senate during the Obama administration. I'd also love to know what Lee thinks about Trump blowing out Wray at the FBI, counter to all precedent. Not to mention firing basically every Inspector General. But yeah, President Biden asking Saul to resign so that SSA could be run by someone that actually believes in its mission is why all of the rest of this *gestures around wildly* is happening.
Um. You left out the rest of the email where he admits he had gone rogue and does expect the incoming Commissioner to retain him due to his “difficult and painful choices.”
There will never be any logical consistency in their words or actions, other than cowardly fealty to Trump. Dudek (or whoever is signing his name to these stupid missives) knows this is 100% BS, but only cares about hiding the truth of what they are doing.
Telework agreements cancelled- 😞 All employees expected to return to work in person full time March 5th unless you work in the Office of Hearings Operations and or the Office of Financial Policy and Program Integrity. They can keep their current telework agreement.
I also noted how they plan to "outsource non-essential functions to industry experts?" Could they be more brazen in letting us know this is a corporate takeover of government functions? SSA is not an industry, and it's a slap in the face to career civil servants that they think the private sector somehow knows more about the workings of SSA than its own employees- or for that matter, the contractors that we already use!
The Dismissal of Saul was based on Lucia v. SEC which meant that everyone, now including the ALJs, now serve at the "pleasure of the President". This is the unitary executive that Barr and the Right Wing have been extolling for years. The notion of a civil service immune from political influence, brought on since the spoils system in the 19th century is over. It is back to the way things were done then and God help us all.
DDSs have not heard anything about telework yet. They could turn off VPN access for us at the flip of a switch, but so far not a peep about if we will be required to return to office.
Before they outsourced rehab services run by states to private ticket to work, we actually had resources that helped people return to work. I saw many claimants helped by them and 0 by Ticket to Work
There is nothing you can say that will undo the trauma you’ve been complicit in inflicting on members of the federal workforce, your once friends and colleagues.
Nothing will make it easier to put on a brave face when we play with our kids.
Nothing will reduce the sleepless nights riddled with anxiety about losing our jobs and losing our homes.
Yes, we are resilient and most of us will find a way to be okay. Maybe we’ll have to move. Maybe we’ll have to take that lower paying frontline job. Maybe we’ll have to leave careers as public servants and go scrounge for something in the private sector. But understand this—you have been complicit in inflicting harm on our families for what you believe is a greater good. You have hurt people. You have hurt your friends.
Has Carville been involved in a meaningful campaign since he and Hillary got thumped by Obama, Axelrod, and Rahm? Isn't this the same guy who wrote an Op-Ed on October 23rd detailing why he was certain Harris would win? Somehow he now he has all the answers? Please. It's pretty easy to criticize from the sidelines and in hindsight.
I wonder if this reference to no longer doing the work of BLS means they are scuttling the Agency's attempt to replace the DOT. I have no idea what he's on about when he talks about doing the work of FTC, ICE, or the IRS.
@12:20 That's the payoff for all of those sweet, sweet, campaign contributions. The corporate raiders get to plunder a big chunk of our Social Security.
Let's face it, he's right about the consequences of Biden firing Saul. That set the precedent, that damaged SSA's status as being independent. O'Malley knew he had to go when Trump was elected, because of what Biden did to Saul.
Saul was 100 times better than this ruthless and dishonest present situation. Yes Saul was too conservative, but he was not a fanatic. Saul would not have stood for seeing this happening to Social Security while he was leading the agency.
Correct. The idea that the GOP would only use that ruling against the CFPB is absurd. The entire point was to get a favorable ruling so they could oust anyone and everyone they wanted. SSA has one of their lackeys there, so they didn't need to do it there. Independence was lost the second that decision came down.
You do understand that this is the same exact thing private sector employees face daily right? That at any time, without cause, an employer can walk in and fire you. So get over it, you are nothing special, just like the rest of us.
I wonder about the new DOT and if it will have Only Fans and Internet Influencer. Mr VE given the job of OF model, can you tell me if the earning potential is the same for a person with club toes and ugly feet? Smile, we got a lot going on and the absurd is possible now.
Sorry, Lee, but this is one of the worst-written memos I have ever seen. No one cares about your personal issues - let me rephrase that - we care as much about your personal issues as you care about ours and the public we serve. You are a lackey, a hack, and woefully unqualified to head this once-proud agency. You deserve every bad thing that comes to you once your current assignment ends. You've earned it.
It’s not the same. You’re missing the whole part about the constant public bashing, demonization, threats, and mind games federal employees are being subjected to. This is clearly not the same as at-will employment in the private sector. This is executive leadership intent on causing trauma. Open your eyes and see what is happening to your government services and the people who swore to deliver them.
Lee's latest screed/manifesto is both weirdly needy and defensive. His statements about how President Biden asking COSS Saul to resign are real head scratchers, in particular. He seems to be saying that because Saul was asked to leave, SSA lost some fundamental "independence" and that as a result, we're stuck doing anything President Trump says.
I'd point out that ACOSS Colvin was NEVER confirmed by the Senate during the Obama administration. I'd also love to know what Lee thinks about Trump blowing out Wray at the FBI, counter to all precedent. Not to mention firing basically every Inspector General. But yeah, President Biden asking Saul to resign so that SSA could be run by someone that actually believes in its mission is why all of the rest of this *gestures around wildly* is happening.
This is only part of the email. It gets even better.
Somebody really enjoys being the captain of the Titanic!
Um. You left out the rest of the email where he admits he had gone rogue and does expect the incoming Commissioner to retain him due to his “difficult and painful choices.”
Isn't this some kind of Hatch Act violation from the ACOSS especially since as a 'further restricted' employee?
When I worked at the agency I didn't work for whoever was the President.
I worked for the American People.
All NBU have to be back 3/5
There will never be any logical consistency in their words or actions, other than cowardly fealty to Trump. Dudek (or whoever is signing his name to these stupid missives) knows this is 100% BS, but only cares about hiding the truth of what they are doing.
Someone post the rest of the message…
Telework agreements cancelled- 😞 All employees expected to return to work in person full time March 5th unless you work in the Office of Hearings Operations and or the Office of Financial Policy and Program Integrity. They can keep their current telework agreement.
I also noted how they plan to "outsource non-essential functions to industry experts?" Could they be more brazen in letting us know this is a corporate takeover of government functions? SSA is not an industry, and it's a slap in the face to career civil servants that they think the private sector somehow knows more about the workings of SSA than its own employees- or for that matter, the contractors that we already use!
The Dismissal of Saul was based on Lucia v. SEC which meant that everyone, now including the ALJs, now serve at the "pleasure of the President". This is the unitary executive that Barr and the Right Wing have been extolling for years. The notion of a civil service immune from political influence, brought on since the spoils system in the 19th century is over. It is back to the way things were done then and God help us all.
DDSs have not heard anything about telework yet. They could turn off VPN access for us at the flip of a switch, but so far not a peep about if we will be required to return to office.
Let me guess--"industry experts" is a cover for privatizing the agency!
President Thump? Did he really write that?
Social Security has never missed a payment. DOGE actions threaten ‘interruption of benefits,’ ex-agency head says
Telework agreements have, at this point, only been cancelled for NBU employees.
"...we are committed to ensuring that accountability never interferes with out customer contact service mission." Yikes.
Post the entire message, please
No, the original does spell his name correctly.
But it's sad we even have to wonder nowadays.
DDS are not federal employees so no affect at this time
Before they outsourced rehab services run by states to private ticket to work, we actually had resources that helped people return to work. I saw many claimants helped by them and 0 by Ticket to Work
Right. Our state director has said they have no information, and we are all completely in the dark at a state DDS level.
Entire message, courtesy of Reddit fednews:
Good chat, Lee.
There is nothing you can say that will undo the trauma you’ve been complicit in inflicting on members of the federal workforce, your once friends and colleagues.
Nothing will make it easier to put on a brave face when we play with our kids.
Nothing will reduce the sleepless nights riddled with anxiety about losing our jobs and losing our homes.
Yes, we are resilient and most of us will find a way to be okay. Maybe we’ll have to move. Maybe we’ll have to take that lower paying frontline job. Maybe we’ll have to leave careers as public servants and go scrounge for something in the private sector. But understand this—you have been complicit in inflicting harm on our families for what you believe is a greater good. You have hurt people. You have hurt your friends.
Where can I find the appointment of the current ACOSS? There’s no EO. It’s not in the Federal Register.
Actually all this stuff IS Joe Biden's fault. James Carville is right.
I don't buy that characterization for a second. It beggars belief that Bisignano isn't the one behind every single one of these massive changes.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind
Has Carville been involved in a meaningful campaign since he and Hillary got thumped by Obama, Axelrod, and Rahm? Isn't this the same guy who wrote an Op-Ed on October 23rd detailing why he was certain Harris would win? Somehow he now he has all the answers? Please. It's pretty easy to criticize from the sidelines and in hindsight.
I wonder if this reference to no longer doing the work of BLS means they are scuttling the Agency's attempt to replace the DOT. I have no idea what he's on about when he talks about doing the work of FTC, ICE, or the IRS.
@12:20 That's the payoff for all of those sweet, sweet, campaign contributions. The corporate raiders get to plunder a big chunk of our Social Security.
Let's face it, he's right about the consequences of Biden firing Saul. That set the precedent, that damaged SSA's status as being independent. O'Malley knew he had to go when Trump was elected, because of what Biden did to Saul.
Saul was 100 times better than this ruthless and dishonest present situation. Yes Saul was too conservative, but he was not a fanatic. Saul would not have stood for seeing this happening to Social Security while he was leading the agency.
It's not what Biden did to Saul. It's what the Supreme Court said in Seila Law.
Ticket to Work should be renamed Ticket to a Big Fat Overpayment and Loss of Benefits
Correct. The idea that the GOP would only use that ruling against the CFPB is absurd. The entire point was to get a favorable ruling so they could oust anyone and everyone they wanted. SSA has one of their lackeys there, so they didn't need to do it there. Independence was lost the second that decision came down.
You do understand that this is the same exact thing private sector employees face daily right? That at any time, without cause, an employer can walk in and fire you. So get over it, you are nothing special, just like the rest of us.
I wonder about the new DOT and if it will have Only Fans and Internet Influencer. Mr VE given the job of OF model, can you tell me if the earning potential is the same for a person with club toes and ugly feet? Smile, we got a lot going on and the absurd is possible now.
Sorry, Lee, but this is one of the worst-written memos I have ever seen. No one cares about your personal issues - let me rephrase that - we care as much about your personal issues as you care about ours and the public we serve. You are a lackey, a hack, and woefully unqualified to head this once-proud agency. You deserve every bad thing that comes to you once your current assignment ends. You've earned it.
DDS employees should continue to follow telework policies of their states.
It’s not the same. You’re missing the whole part about the constant public bashing, demonization, threats, and mind games federal employees are being subjected to. This is clearly not the same as at-will employment in the private sector. This is executive leadership intent on causing trauma. Open your eyes and see what is happening to your government services and the people who swore to deliver them.
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